RAM Premium Protection Truck Care Products

SHINE THAT LASTS AND LASTS Ram Premium Protection surface coating is made from a high-performance formula combining Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Ceramic, delivering a durable coating with a shine that outlasts others. DURABILITY TESTED TO LAST A LIFETIME* The Silicon Carbide (SiC) base gives the highest gloss and hydrophobic properties to help repel anything that gets thrown at it. This coating is a once-off application, eliminating the need to wax or polish your RAM. PROVEN AND GLOBALLY CERTIFIED Ram Premium Protection is rated 4 times harder than quartz-based surface products readily available in today’s market. This enables us to provide a lifetime warranty* against the environmental elements. ENHANCED ALL-ROUND COATING Ram Premium Protection, assists in protecting your RAM against fading and loss of gloss, clear coat delamination*, water marks, weather induced oxidisation, and damage caused by: bird and bat droppings, tree sap, bug splatter, bore water, sunscreen, rail dust and fallen leaves
Delivery date: Up to 7 Days into Store
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